Over the years people have let me know how they feel about the infamous Christmas letter. Some are for them, but many are against a "form letter".
My family has been writing Christmas letters for over 50 years. I have a scrapbook full of them. My mother would agonize for weeks over every word. I do the same. Does the letter hit the high points of each person's year. Is everyone equally represented? Is it creative (some years I've been lucky just to finish the letter)?
But I have finally realized something about those letters. They are a record of our family's history. To you, they may be something to read and toss...but to me, they are a yearbook!
About 5 years ago, I started adding a photo greeting card to go with the letter. Each year I save one letter for my scrapbook and one for each of the kids. I have friends who are known for their creative letters. I wish I was, but at least I have a record of each year!
So when you receive my Christmas letter, I hope you enjoy it. But, if you don't, please understand that I am writing a love letter to my kids...and just sharing it with you!
Feeling blessed, how about you?