Family 2013

Family 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

It's Convention Time!

It's that time of year again! Convention time!!!! It's sort of like "Homeschool Christmas"  with "Homeschool New Year's Resolutions" soon to follow!

Every year I would crawl into convention in a primordial ooze fashion.  I was worn out, and usually a little depressed over the "subject less traveled" know, the textbook that you are nowhere close to finishing. I desperately needed a break.  My family sent me to convention as a combination birthday/Mother's Day gift.

Three days later I would skip out like a kindergartener on the first day of school.  I wanted to crack open those books RIGHT THEN.  I quickly learned NOT to succumb to the siren song of new books and ideas.

Moms, our kids need a break!  More importantly, WE need a break.  Spend at least a few weeks reconnecting with your kids...without a textbook between you.

Since those books are still calling you, use the time for planning.  Think over what you learned.  Remember the ideas that spoke to you.  Listen to the recorded sessions that you bought.  Plan the "ideal flow of your homechool day", subject to change of course.  Look back at what worked.  Close the book on what didn't.  Like Edison, you now know one way NOT to homeschool.  It's time to move on to the next "model" and see how it works for you.  No regrets, you're moving forward!

If you're at the FPEA convention this week, be sure to say hi! 
Feeling blessed, how about you?