Family 2013

Family 2013

Monday, March 23, 2015

Thanks for the memories!

I'm coming to the end of my time with the Pinellas Parent Educators Association.  It's not because I don't support the organization.  It's not because I don't enjoy volunteering.  It's just time.  Some might even say that I stayed past my time.  After all, our last homeschooler crossed the graduation stage in 2012!
I leave the organization in great hands!  I have spent the last 10 years volunteering with a great group of people!  We've done a lot of really awesome things.  How did we know what to do?  Usually our board members plan events that they want to do with their own kiddos and then the rest of the membership gets to come along.  Some events were raging successes, some were a blip on the radar.  All you can do is try!

Naturally, there is a secret...and I'm going to let you in on it!  Are you ready?  Listen really closely...whatever you love to do, do it for your friends!  That's it!

I have a wonderful friend who has agreed to make sure everyone has something to eat at the holiday tea.  She loves to bake and cook.  She's organized.  And unfortunately for her, she's totally on my radar for our Holiday Tea.  And she graciously takes care of all the food tables for me on that one night--everyone enjoys the treats and the beverages that she has displayed for us.  And that one night makes a huge difference in the lives of 70 women!  For that one night, we aren't wives and mothers, caring for our families.  We are pampered princesses!

I have another friend who has been my "sanity keeper" this year.  This is quite an important position.  She stands beside me and takes care of all the little details that I'm not able to get to.  When she's there, I know that everything will get done...and I will even have fun.

And that's the secret.  You don't have to give your all everyday. If you are part of an organization and you enjoy their services and want the group to keep being awesome--volunteer to do one thing!  Just one.  Because if everyone does just one thing, there will be so many awesome things happening that it will be like winning the lottery.  There is another awesome advantage to helping.  Now you're part of the inner circle--where everyone knows your name.  Where you are loved.  And who doesn't need more love?
Feeling blessed, how about you?